The offices of Vitality Acupuncture LLC
Acupuncture Treatments
Holistic Health Care for mental/ emotional Balance
‘Talk thru It’ therapy sessions – needle free.
Both are Gentle, Safe & Effective!

Text Your Acupuncture Physician @ (904)687-4093 for
‘Your Welcome’ Text to schedule & specify for
Your choice of treatment!
Upon New Patient Forms to Complete Here Now:
For Your ‘Best Acupuncture Clinic near me’
Vitality is the place your MD’s go for their healthcare.
In Person & TeleHealthy Appointments
M ~ F 8 ~ 6

Health Investment ~
Initial Consult & Treatment $140: Scheduling fee of $77 holds your consult appointment
Treatment Follow Up $110
Parental Alienation management in-person or TeleHealthy $83
Facial Red Light only therapy sessions $77
Scheduling fee for initial consult, 24 hour cancellation policy and invalid information fees apply. Vitality Acupuncture LLC donates/ contributes toward the health investment for our teens & tweens & our community therefore our prices are firm. Vitality Acupuncture LLC is committed to address your needs for efficient whole healing to function to the best of Your ability!