Dr. Sarah Newman, Acupuncturist Physician, OMD, LAc, MAOM, NCCAOM board certified for 24 years, is an Acupuncture physician in Gulf Breeze, FL providing gentle, safe & effective healing for people, doing what she loves. She has held state licenses in MD, & Charlotte, NC & had 2 acupuncture practices prior to moving to the sunny FL panhandle;) @ St. Augustine, FL & Charlotte, NC, at the functional medicine clinic, Signature Wellness, treating people with auto-immune, endocrine & hormone imbalances.
Sarah earned a duel Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree @ the New England School of Acupuncture in Boston. She is an experienced healthcare practitioner, with a prior career treating cancer patients with radiation therapy for 10 years, while earning her B.A. in Holistic Health with a psychoneuroimmunology focus & studying naturopathic medicine in Portland, OR.
Sarah’s experience is treating people with chronic conditions as well as acute, including professional athletes, and since there will always be a bit of Vermont organic foods farmer in her, quality nutrition supports healing.
Sarah’s approach toward healing is to integrate medical treatments that work, with quality research, combining her healthcare training, education & experience in order to treat the whole person & meet their customized goals. Sarah encourages people to become aware of their strength & capability to make healthy choices for an enjoyable quality of life!
Vitality Acupuncture, LLC
913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy #22 Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
email: [email protected]
Text: (904)687-4093